2024-25 ACT Budget Roundtable Consultation
The ACT Government is seeking input into priorities for the 2024-25 Budget. This year’s Budget is taking place on Tuesday 25th June, and will be the final Budget before the ACT election in October.
The Budget consultation process provides an important opportunity for the community to be involved in the budget process and highlight social and economic priorities. To support input from the community sector, ACTCOSS are coordinating with the Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate (CMTEDD) to facilitate a series of roundtable discussions. These roundtables will enable sector stakeholders to provide direct input to Treasury officials on their top priorities for the next ACT Budget.
Input into the ACT Government’s Budget consultation process can also be provided through a written submission, or via an online Budget Survey which will open on YourSay in mid-February. Further details about how to make a submissions can be found at the Your Say website.
Event Details
Date & Time
Online via WebEx
Contact Details
6202 7200