News and Media
Here you’ll find news, announcements, and media releases from ACTCOSS and the Gulanga Program, along with major community sector news.
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Media release: Housing report highlights need to maintain JobSeeker increase
The ACT Council of Social Service (ACTCOSS) today highlighted the importance of maintaining increased levels of income support and called for more government action to address the shortage of affordable housing in the ACT following the release of data on rental affordability in Canberra. Anglicare’s 2020 Rental Affordability Snapshot data on the ACT and Queanbeyan […]
Media release: COVID-19 – New stimulus package welcomed
The ACT Council of Social Service (ACTCOSS) has welcomed the second ACT Government stimulus package, which focuses on relief to renters and additional funding to community organisations working to see Canberrans through the COVID-19 crisis. Highlights of the second phase of the ACT Government’s economic survival plan include: In addition to the initial $7 million […]
Media release: Stimulus – focus on low-income and housing action
The ACT Council of Social Service (ACTCOSS) is urging the ACT Government to prioritise investment in social housing infrastructure when proposing to the federal government new measures to stimulate the economy. The federal government has written to state and territory governments, seeking projects as part of its economic stimulus package and asking for infrastructure to […]
Media release: Record breaking weather hits poor hardest
Only a few weeks into summer and extreme weather conditions are reminding us all of the need for strong action on climate change and better planning to ensure our city works for those most at risk in extremes of heat and cold. According to Craig Wallace, ACT Council of Social Service (ACTCOSS) Policy Manager, “After […]
Joint media release: Better rent protections welcome
Joint media release, ACTCOSS and the Tenants’ Union ACT (TUACT). The Tenants’ Union ACT (TUACT) and the ACT Council of Social Service (ACTCOSS) today welcomed improved protections for renters in the ACT being introduced into the Assembly by ACT Attorney General Gordon Ramsay MLA. Key changes will increase the notice period from 4 weeks to […]
Community Joint Statement for Healthy Affordable Homes
All Australians deserve a healthy, safe, affordable home. Community organisations call for a national strategy for low energy homes. Rapidly rising energy prices over the last decade have left many Australians struggling to afford the energy services they need to live a safe and healthy life. But price is only part of the energy hardship […]
ACTCOSS Commentary on the 2019 Report on Government Services
This week ACTCOSS has been responding to the release of the 2019 Report on Government Services (ROGS) by the Productivity Commission. Chapters released so far have pointed to the ongoing need for investments and policy work in housing, homelessness and justice system responses. Housing and Homelessness The ROGS show services are doing well but also […]