COVID-19 Update, 15 September 2021

15 September 2021

To subscribe to our COVID-19 Update mailing list, please email [email protected] and we will subscribe you.

If you would like to share any gaps or issues affecting your organisation, or any services that require increased funding to meet an immediate need in the COVID-19 response, please get in touch with ACTCOSS through our general email address [email protected] or email someone from the team.

Key Updates

Additional financial support announced for extended lockdown including an additional one-off $200 increase in the utilities concession – read the Chief Minister’s media release, 14 September 2021. Also, rent relief will be provided until 31 December 2021 for tenants of ACT Property Group impacted by COVID-19.

If your organisation is experiencing immediate financial pressures as a result of COVID-19, please contact your contract manager, relevant ACT Minister and ACTCOSS ([email protected]).

ACT Official Visitors for Disability Services provide independent oversight of services for people with disability who are receiving daily living supports, hear their concerns and help resolve any complaints. While they are not conducting face-to-face visits during lockdown, they are still able to hear and help resolve complaints and issues. Find an Easy Read version of the roles of Official Visitors here.

Any person can contact an Official Visitor to highlight or raise a concern about services. Contact can be made several ways:

  • Ring 1800 150 036 and follow the prompts (the call will be redirected to one of the Official Visitors for Disability Services). This number can also be used with the National Relay Service
  • Fill out the online form
  • Email [email protected].

Support for people with disabilities and their families home schooling: ImagineMORE offer peer support for parents who are trying to home school children with disabilities.

Check In CBR Card now available for people who don’t own a smartphone or are unable to download or use the Check In CBR app. Find out more about the Check In CBR card and how to apply.

Public housing tenants at COVID-19 exposure sites: Latest update from ACT Health – Housing Sector Update 9 September 2021 (pdf).

Targeted COVID-19 outreach testing in the city every day this week: City Outreach Testing, 13-19 September (pdf). Highly accessible location at Veterans Park, Corner Bunda Street and Mort Street, and very little waiting time.

Grants now available to support the wellbeing, resilience, and recovery of people with disability, their families, and carers: A number of community partners can help people apply for a grant, including: ACT Disability, Aged and Carer Advocacy Service (ADACAS), Advocacy for Inclusion, Women with Disability ACT, Australian Red Cross, Meridian, Carers ACT, Communities@Work, the Multicultural Hub, Woden Community Service and Capital Region Community Services.

People not connected to these organisations can contact the Office for Disability who will assist with processing. Email [email protected] or call 02 6207 1086.

Find out more and apply for grants here.

Changes to Working with Vulnerable People (WWVP) operations during lockdown: Services such as the issuing of registration cards for WWVP registrations are not able to be done at this time. Essential worker WWVP applications will be prioritised. Read the letter to stakeholders on WWVP changes (pdf). Also visit Working with vulnerable people (WWVP) registration (

Practical guidance for supporting people with behaviour support needs: The Office of the Senior Practitioner has developed a factsheet with practical support and guidance to residential service providers about Public Health Order Compliance and Restrictive Practices (pdf).

Updates for Organisations Supporting Multicultural Communities – 10 September 2021

ACT Community Partner Update – 10 September 2021: Includes launch of the new Check In CBR card, opening of the Respite Effect and Recovery Grants, pop up testing in the City for people experiencing homelessness and for those who are vulnerable and at risk, and more. Subscribe to the Community Partner Update here.

Vaccination rollout update: Message from the ACT Chief Health Officer – 10 September 2021 (pdf)

Vaccination bookings to open for children aged 12-15 next week: From Monday 20 September, all Canberra children aged 12 – 15 years will be able to book a Pfizer vaccination appointment at an ACT Government clinic.

Pop-up vaccination opportunities: If you see an opportunity for a pop-up vaccination or to reach a vulnerable community with vaccinations and/or information, please contact ACTCOSS ([email protected]) who can put you in touch with ACT Health and Canberra’s Primary Health Network, CHN (Capital Health Network). Find out about funding provided to Primary Health Networks for reaching vulnerable communities (pdf).

Greater flexibility for meal preparation/shopping support for NDIS participants in lockdown: Effective 10 September, NDIS participants can now use their funding to pay for alternative meal preparation and delivery services.

ACOSS repeats its call for National Cabinet to urgently set specific vaccination targets for higher-risk groups citing new research showing people on lower incomes have died of COVID-19 at four times the rate of higher income people. Read more in the media release.

Application process open for additional COVID-19 vaccination providers: Businesses will be able to team up with vaccination providers to administer vaccines to staff at their workplace.

Lockdown newsletter for kids: Lock it down! 9 September 2021 (pdf) is produced by the ACT Children and Young People Commissioner and Public Advocate.

How to access an interpreter in 15 languages (pdf): This information can also be accessed on the ACT COVID-19 website. Please share this with your service users.

JobTrainer free training initiative: Enrolments at Canberra Institute of Technology are open until 30 September 2021, places are limited and filling up fast. Find out more about JobTrainer at CIT.


ACTCOSS has been advocating on behalf of community organisations and people experiencing disadvantage during this COVID-19 pandemic period through the following:

  • ACT community sector peak bodies have written a joint letter to the Chief Minister (pdf) calling for additional funding to community sector organisations impacted by COVID-19.
  • ACTCOSS has engaged with the Community Services Directorate (CSD) and community service partners on issues relating to birth parent access to children during COVID-19 and support for foster and kinship carers.
  • ACTCOSS has written to ACT Property Group to ask for clear criteria on how community sector tenants of ACT Property Group can access rent relief.
  • ACTCOSS continues to work with member organisations to support the access of vulnerable communities to vaccination and testing.
  • Working with community sector partners, ACTCOSS is engaging with key Ministers to ensure improvement of vaccination rates in the Alexander Maconochie Centre (AMC) and protection of the health and wellbeing of detainees and their families.
  • ACTCOSS supported meetings between ACT Health and the Community Transport Working Group to discuss the needs of people requiring access to on-demand transport or in-reach for COVID-19 vaccination and testing in the ACT.
  • ACTCOSS continues to attend twice weekly meetings with ACT Health and the Community Services Directorate.

ACTCOSS Meeting with Members and Peaks on COVID-19: If you are a member of ACTCOSS or an ACT peak body for the community sector, you are welcome to attend our weekly COVID-19 online meetings. Please email [email protected] for more information.


NDIS – 1800 800 110 and press 5: For escalating COVID-related plan review requests.

ACT COVID-19 Helpline – 02 6207 7244: 8am -8pm daily. Or visit the ACT Government’s COVID-19 website.

Disability Information Helpline – 1800 643 787: Mon-Fri 8am-8pm, Sat-Sun 9am-7pm. The Australian Government has established a Disability Information Helpline. The helpline is not available on national public holidays.

National COVID-19 vaccine helpline – 1800 020 080: This line operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Older Person’s Advocacy Network – 1800 700 600: Anyone living in an aged care facility, their family or representative who needs support could contact the network.

Access and Sensory Vaccination Clinic – 02 5124 7700 (select option 3): Call between 7am-7pm daily. The Access and Sensory Clinic offers clients a quieter space; longer appointment times; a separate entrance; vaccinations for support staff, volunteer or carers attending the appointment at the same time as the person with disability; an accessible entry point for wheelchairs and other mobility equipment.

  • The Access and Sensory clinic is moving to Weston Creek Community Health Centre, 24 Parkinson Street, Weston from Monday 13 September. Appointments for Thursday 9 September at Garran will be rescheduled to next week. Accessible parking and entry are available at the Weston Creek Community Health Centre. Appointments will be available Mon-Fri, 8am-3.30pm.

Emergency relief and financial support

Emergency relief information guides: Volunteering ACT Community Info Hub have created useful information guides listing resources including free meals, laundry and showers, as well as emergency relief services. Find the latest guides here.

Assistance from Vinnies Shops: Following the recent relaxation on non-essential retail stores, Vinnies Shops will be providing material assistance by appointment via its Emergency Relief Helpline. Call 02 6282 2722 (Mon-Fri, 9am-3.30pm) you will then be asked to complete the Vinnies Shop Order Form (pdf via Google Docs).

Emergency Food Relief – call 1800 43 11 33, 9am-5pm: The ACT Government has partnered with VolunteeringACT and the State Emergency Service (SES) to provide emergency food relief to those in need. Any Canberran who is significantly and adversely impacted by the lockdown and is unable to feed their family is encouraged to call.

Emergency Relief Support: MARSS is providing emergency financial and food relief to anyone in financial distress residing in ACT and surrounding regions. Relief includes supermarket vouchers, culturally appropriate food hampers and essential home items, can pay outstanding bills and support clients to refinance or restructure payment plans to alleviate financial distress. Please refer anyone in need to MARSS on 02 6248 8577.

UnitingCare Kippax: Currently operating 9am to 4pm daily (Cnr Luke Street and Hardwick Cres, Holt) for the distribution of emergency items (food, hygiene products and prescription support) and financial aid. Call 02 6254 1733 or visit Uniting Care Kippax.

Roundabout Canberra – essentials for babies and children: Open during lockdown for social agencies to pass on to their clients. Includes essential items for babies and children. Not open to the public. Contact [email protected] or call 02 6193 6452 for more information or visit

Communities@Work: Our community pantries at Tuggeranong and Gungahlin are now OPEN. While in lockdown, we’ll have a ‚ÄòTick and Collect’ system. Clients select their food and essential items, wait at the door of the pantry, and our staff to collect and bring items to them.

Carers support: Carers ACT has resourcing available during this time to support carers through the provision of in-home help, emergency respite, financial assistance, advocacy supports, counselling, etc, so please direct any carers to Carers ACT for support.

COVID-19 Disaster Payment: Canberrans unable to earn an income during the lockdown may be able to access the Australian Government’s COVID-19 Disaster Payment.

Support to isolate while waiting for a test result: ACT Government COVID-19 Test Hardship Isolation Payment (pdf): A payment of $270 will be made to eligible workers who isolate while awaiting their COVID 19 test result. Apply for the isolation payment here.

Support if you have COVID-19, are a close contact, or have to care for someone with COVID-19: The COVID-19 Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment is available if an individual has been directed by ACT Health to self-isolate or quarantine and has no leave entitlements. Apply over the phone or by completing the claim form here.

Service changes and updates

Services Australia Centres: A reminder that all Services Australia Centres are open 8.30am-4.30pm. During lockdown people are encouraged to use the self-service function or phone. If assistance is required for payments and services, please contact [email protected].

Conflict Resolution Service Safe and Connected Youth Program will be providing services virtually and over the phone during lockdown. For services call 02 6189 0590 to speak to one of their program staff.

Standby After Suicide Support is open during lockdown. 1300 111 400 or email [email protected]. Free books and resources also available.

OneLink Operating Hours: Normal hours of operation will continue throughout the lockdown period. These are Monday to Friday 8.00am-6.00pm, and Saturday and Sunday 12.30pm-5.00pm. Service users are encouraged to make contact with OneLink by phoning 1800 176 468 or via OneLink has access to funding to support the most vulnerable members of the Canberra community, including temporary hotel accommodation for residents in homelessness and community housing who need to self-isolate or quarantine due to COVID-19. Call Jacinta Bishop, Acting Manager on 02 6207 6885 or email [email protected] for more information.

Housing ACT Support for Rough Sleepers, Domestic Violence Crisis Service, Canberra Rape Crisis Centre Operating Hours:


Operating hours

Service delivery during Lockdown

Early Morning Centre,

Uniting Care Canberra

Monday to Friday, 7.30-8.30am, and 9am-1pm on Saturdays and Sundays.

Take-away meals.

Program activities on hold until further notice

Blue Door,

St Vincent de Paul

Monday to Friday 9am-2.30pm, with breakfast served at 9am and lunch at 12pm.

Take-away meals.

Social inclusion via phone.

Outreach for essential needs.


Australian Red Cross

4.30pm to 5.30pm Saturday to Thursday.

Soup Kitchen 12.30pm-2pm Friday.

Take-away meals.


Woden Community Services

8am-6pm Monday to Friday

and Saturday and Sunday 12.30pm-5pm.

Staff currently working from home,

Need appointment for a face to face appointment.

Winter Lodge,

Argyle Housing

9am-5pm, Monday to Friday.

No change.

Staff onsite.

McKillop House,


9am-5pm, Monday to Friday.

No change.

Staff onsite

Domestic Violence Crisis Service

24/7 service, Telephone line on 62 800 900.

No change.

24/7 crisis F2F intervention, safety planning, emergency accommodation,

respond to Police and Hospital requests.

Canberra Rape Crisis Centre

Crisis Phone Line 7am-11pm.

Call Out provision to Police and Hospital 24/7.

Intake / Crisis Appointments, Counselling Sessions (including advocacy) via phone or google/zoom. No client attendance at CRCC during the lock down period.

Everyman Services Update: EveryMan will continue to support men, their partners and families already accessing accommodation and support services, counselling services, violence prevention services and Indigenous support and accommodation services. The office in the Griffin Centre will remain closed until further notice. In the meantime, enquiries and referrals can be made by:

Anyone at risk of violence, call the Connect & Support Service on 1300 261 610.

Domestic Violence Crisis Service: Will remain available, 24/7, throughout the lock down period. The following operational functions will remain in place:

  1. 24/7 crisis intervention, safety planning and access to emergency accommodation remains available via our telephone line on 62 800 900.
  2. DVCS will respond to Police and Hospital requests as per usual, we are working to understand access requirements during this time for our staff to attend the Hospitals.
  3. Clients can engage with DVCS during regular business hours via email, SMS, social media and online chat.
  4. DVCS will continue to meet face to face with clients who require urgent safety planning, crisis intervention, emergency accommodation or other supports with COVID safe practices; Where clients do not meet a safety threshold for a face to face we will work with them to ensure we can meet their needs through contact limited accommodation check in, parcel drops, voucher exchanges and phone or online consultations.
  5. Case management (Staying@Home, Room4Change and Young People’s Outreach Program) will continue to support clients during regular business hours remotely via phone and video conferencing.
  6. DVCS will increase their community advertising across social media, radio and other media outlets to ensure our community is aware of DVCS’s presence and availability.

Toora Domestic Violence & Homelessness Services: Will continue to do assessments and intakes as usual. Case management support will be conducted via phone or video. Rostered staff will be checking in with clients in shared houses. All group activities will be suspended until further notice. For more information on Toora AOD service and counselling service please call 02 6122 7000.

Karinya House: Will as much as possible continue to provide support services to women who are pregnant and early parenting. We have implemented the following:

  • Residential support

    • Ongoing support to the women residing at Karinya House. This includes face-to-face contact and support with babies and children.
    • Supporting residents through the lockdown period, understanding that facing lockdown in a supported accommodation facility has its unique challenges.

  • Outreach support

    • Continuing to provide support through phone or video.
    • We will not be making face-to-face visits but have capacity to deliver material assistance as available to the women we are working with.
    • Continuing to support with essential appointments for which the women we are supporting have no other support person, including antenatal visits and other medical appointments.

  • Phone support

    • Karinya will continue to be staffed 24hours and will continue to provide phone support across this time as normal. Ph: 02 6259 8998.

Mental Health Foundation ACT: Whilst our office in Chifley will close, it is business as usual, and we will continue to provide our participants the necessary supports. For enquiries, please email [email protected] or phone 0438 207 798. There are many different ways we can provide our participants support so we urge everyone to stay connected and continue with your supports.

Migrant and Refugee Settlement Services (MARSS):

  • Casework, counselling and emergency relief support will be available over the phone to clients 9am-5pm, Mon-Fri by calling 02 6248 8577.
  • MARSS’ Civic office will continue to open from 10am-4pm, Mon-Fri. During lockdown we are requesting clients not to walk in and to initially contact us on 02 6248 8577 for su We will continue to provide in person support following a COVID risk assessment when necessary.
  • Our Belconnen office is closed, and all classes, workshops and group activities suspended. Some activities continue online.
  • Emergency Relief Support: MARSS has funding to provide emergency financial and food relief from the Commonwealth, including supermarket vouchers, culturally appropriate food hampers and essential home items, can pay outstanding bills and support clients to refinance or restructure payment plans to alleviate financial distress.
  • Note: We can support anyone in financial distress (not only migrants and refugees) and this service is also available to people residing in surrounding ACT regions including Southern Highlands, Queanbeyan, Cooma, Bega etc. Please refer anyone in need to MARSS on 02 6248 8577.

ACT Community Services Directorate Updates

Latest news at the Community Services Directorate website.

NGO FAQs: The ACT Government has gathered questions from NGOs about the current COVID-19 situation in the ACT and have collated these in an FAQ document. Weblinks in response to questions are included. Read the NGO FAQs – updated 6 September 2021 (pdf).

COVID Response Casual Pool Jobs: Find job openings for the ACT Government’s COVID response casual pool here.

[Updated] Contractual requirements: CSD will be taking a flexible and understanding approach to organisations whose service delivery is significantly impacted to the extent that contact deliverables are not achieved. If this applies to your organisation, please let your Relationship Manager know by email at [email protected]. Reporting requirements will also be deferred for all providers for the time being. Payments will not be affected. Invitations have been sent for the next Sector Update Forum scheduled for Monday 13 September 2021.

How to contact CSD: The ACT Community Services Directorate has set up a branch to respond to the COVID-19 situation. Outside of existing engagement, networks or contacts with relationship managers, you can contact CSD via CSD’s [email protected] inbox. Organisations can send their COVID-19 queries to this email if they need advice or have any questions.


COVID-19 info and health

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ACTCOSS is committed to reconciliation, acknowledges the traditional custodians of the land, and pays respect to elders past and present.

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ACTCOSS is committed to reconciliation, acknowledges the traditional custodians of the land, and pays respect to elders past and present.

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© 2025 ACT Council of Social Service Inc. (ACTCOSS)

Website by Giraffe

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