Media release: ACTCOSS summer journal: Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples: Stories of good practice in the community sector
17 December 2020
The ACT Council of Social Service (ACTCOSS) today released its regular journal, Update, focused on Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples: Stories of good practice in the community sector.
ACTCOSS Chief Executive Officer Dr Emma Campbell said: “ACTCOSS has long supported the establishment and funding of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander community-controlled organisations to provide safe, appropriate and effective support to First Nations peoples in Canberra.
“These organisations are beacons of good practice and we must all support and learn from their work.
“Many non-Aboriginal organisations in the government, for-profit and not-for-profit sectors have worked hard to engage with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander communities to ensure that First Nations peoples and their families can safely and confidently access the services that will best meet their needs.
“However, the experience of many Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples in Canberra, and the unjust economic, health and wellbeing outcomes for many First Nations peoples in the ACT, demonstrates that much more work is required to ensure high quality and culturally appropriate practice standards are developed across all sectors, including community service organisations.
“We must all share responsibility and play our role in challenging racism, discrimination, injustice and inequity experienced by First Nations peoples.
“One small step is for organisations in the government, for-profit and not-for-profit sectors to determine how we can ensure our services respond and deliver culturally appropriate services to First Nations peoples.
“This edition of the ACTCOSS journal share examples of good practice, tools and resources to assist in improving and developing services,” Dr Campbell said.
ACTCOSS advocates for social justice in the ACT and represents not-for-profit community organisations.
For more information or comment, please contact
Dr Emma Campbell, CEO, ACTCOSS, on 0424 910 617 or 02 6202 7200.