Media release: ACTCOSS welcomes announcement of Expert Committee to oversee Recovery Plan

28 August 2020

The ACT Council of Social Service (ACTCOSS) today welcomed the Chief Minister’s announcement to establish a Canberra Economic Recovery Advisory Group (CERAG) to assist the implementation of the ACT’s Jobs and Economic Recovery Plan.

Dr Emma Campbell, ACTCOSS CEO, said: “On release of the plan yesterday, ACTCOSS expressed its disappointment in the small share of the $4.9 billion plan dedicated to the community sector.

“In previous budgets, the ACT Government has said that community services are core infrastructure. In 2018, the Chief Minister said governments need to invest in the community sector ‘as responsible stewards of social and economic wellbeing’.

“We look forward to ACTCOSS and other community sector representatives being included on the Advisory Group to ensure that this rhetoric is reflected in real investment.”

The Advisory Group will bring together economists, public policy experts, industry representatives, community sector partners and unions to provide advice to the government on the implementation of the Plan.

Dr Campbell said: “When you invest in the community services sector you get a double return. We are one of Canberra’s major employers. By investing in community services, the ACT Government can create jobs and drive the economy.

“But with strong and well-resourced services we can also take care of those impacted by unemployment, housing insecurity, mental health issues and other challenges that accompany an economic downturn.

“The community sector wants to be a central part of Canberra’s recovery and we look forward to working with the ACT Government through the CERAG to help steer Canberrans through these difficult times,” Dr Campbell concluded.

ACTCOSS 2020 ACT Election Leaders Forum

When: Wednesday 2 September 2020, 1pm – 2pm

Where: Virtual event, RSVP here:

ACTCOSS advocates for social justice in the ACT and represents not-for-profit community organisations.

For more information or comment, please contact

Dr Emma Campbell, CEO, ACTCOSS, on 0424 910 617 or 02 6202 7200.

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