Media release: ACTCOSS welcomes new Chair and Board
16 November 2020
The ACT Council of Social Service (ACTCOSS) today announced that Frances Crimmins, YWCA Canberra, has been elected as Chair at its annual general meeting held over the 12th and 13th of November 2020.
Outgoing Chair, Glenda Stevens said: “I would like to congratulate Frances Crimmins on her appointment to this important position.
“Frances has a deep understanding of the Canberra community. Her extensive experience at board and senior management level in the community services sector will be of great value to ACTCOSS.”
Ms Crimmins said that her appointment to the ACTCOSS role comes at a critical time for Canberra’s community services sector and issues around social justice.
“As a result of COVID-19, the risk of poverty and inequality in the ACT is increasing. The role of the ACT’s community services sector has never been more important. I look forward to working with the ACT Government to ensure that our sector is fully supported and that all Canberrans enjoy a fair share of resources and services.”
Ms Crimmins is currently CEO of YWCA Canberra and was previously a member of the ACTCOSS Board.
“As Chair, I will work with the ACTCOSS Board and staff to ensure that ACTCOSS remains a strong voice for the ACT’s community services sector and for Canberrans on low incomes and who face disadvantage.”
Ms Crimmins paid tribute to the previous Chair and Board members.
“I thank Glenda Stevens for her contribution to ACTOCSS and to our outgoing directors Vice-Chair, Martin Fisk (Menslink) and Petrea Messent (Associate Member) for their service on the Board.
“I also congratulate Andrew Rowe, Havelock Housing Association on his election as the new Vice-Chair of ACTCOSS and Bruce Papps in his continuing role as Treasurer.
“I look forward to leading the new ACTCOSS Board in representing the ACT community services sector and advocating for a just and fair Canberra community,” Ms Crimmins said.
The new ACTCOSS Board is: Frances Crimmins (YWCA Canberra); Andrew Rowe (Havelock Housing Association); Bruce Papps (Northside Community Service); Alicia Flack-Kone (ACT Down Syndrome Association); Andrew Scotford (CIT Student Association); Beth Slatyer (Associate Member); Cathi Moore AM (Parentline); Darlene Cox (Health Care Consumers’ Association); Dorji Tshering (Associate Member); Elizabeth Samra (Associate Member); Lee Maiden (Communities@ Work); Sarah Murdoch (Anglicare NSW South, NSW West and ACT).
ACTCOSS advocates for social justice in the ACT and represents not-for-profit community organisations.
For more information or comment, please contact
Dr Emma Campbell, CEO, ACTCOSS, on 0424 910 617 or 02 6202 7200.