The Government should prove it’s on the side of citizens when it comes to housing The ACT Greens recently circulated draft legislation that would enshrine housing as a human right, following advocacy to all parties by ACTCOSS and others. Making housing a human right might strike some as odd at first glance. Deeper analysis suggests that […]
In a city full of politics, one of the ACT’s great political mysteries is why the ACT Government’s practical support for people experiencing poverty has gone backwards over more than a decade. How could this happen with such a progressive electorate, with governments that have been elected on their progressive promises over the last quarter […]
After the final seat in Brindabella went to the Greens’ Laura Nutall, negotiations around the formation of government began in earnest. It is vital to our democracy that this occurs transparently. In the ACT, it is historically rare for any one party to govern on its own. Negotiations are a feature of the ACT system, […]
It’s difficult to think of an issue in the ACT that is more widespread and more keenly felt than poverty, so it is appropriate that the election falls on Anti-Poverty Week. The experience of poverty is responsible for much of Canberra’s suffering, and it reduces the human potential and contribution people can make to our community. Today, parents […]
In the midst of a housing crisis, a focus of policy debate has been “location, location, location.” It is important that this does not distract from the main objective of ensuring everyone has safe, affordable housing, and that means rapidly expanding the stock of social housing. It is a numbers game. This is especially important […]
The stakes could hardly be higher for this ACT election, but you might not know it listening to many political parties and candidates. Global and national forces are ratcheting up the financial pressure on households, with an unprecedented growth of the working poor in the territory. A fundamental challenge this election is preventing the lower […]
Locals know that beneath the capital’s shiny exterior, many Canberrans are doing it tough, but even many locals are unaware of the level of crisis faced by some in our community. To make matters worse, many community service organisations that ensure people in need are fed, have enough warm clothes, and stay safe are at […]
As the ACT’s election season gets underway, it is important to think about the process of the election, and what the ACT needs from this process. The election can be a contest of bold ideas about the sort of society we want, or a series of largely unsubstantiated assertions about which party can deliver city […]
For an alarming proportion of Canberrans, securing and keeping appropriate housing is a struggle that is too often unsuccessful. A quarter of a century ago, young adults worried about whether they could afford to buy a house, but for many that concern is now about whether they can afford to rent an apartment. A growing number […]
Earlier this week, my children witnessed a man hastily push a trolley loaded with groceries out of Woolworths, skipping payment at self-checkout. While no one in my family had seen anything similar before a couple of years ago, it is now a semi-regular occurrence. I’ve been wrestling with how to help my kids interpret this. […]