The ACT Council of Social Service (ACTCOSS) and the Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs Association ACT (ATODA) have today welcomed the release of a report on the Drugs of Dependence (Personal Use) Amendment Bill 2021 by the ACT Legislative Assembly. The Bill, aimed at decriminalising small amounts of certain drugs for personal use, will help […]

ACTCOSS today expressed its deep concern about the Federal Government’s proposed Religious Discrimination Bill 2021 and its potential impact on marginalised communities. ACTCOSS CEO, Dr Emma Campbell said: “People of faith should – of course – be protected from discrimination. However, we are concerned that the ‘statements of belief’ provisions included in the draft bill […]

New research has shown that employment and housing for those leaving prison are key to preventing recidivism and a subsequent return to detention. The research, which focused on former detainees in the ACT, highlighted the importance of reducing barriers to employment for people leaving prison, so that they are better equipped to begin life after detention […]

ACTCOSS today has welcomed an announcement today by the Attorney-General Shane Rattenbury MLA that the ACT Government is introducing a rent relief scheme to respond to challenges facing low income renters during COVID-19. The Scheme will provide a $1000 payment for people in rental hardship. According to Government guidelines eligible tenants must pay more than […]

The ACT Council of Social Service (ACTCOSS) has joined disability advocates and the Australian Council of Social Service in calling for an end to uncertainty about the future of the National Disability Insurance Scheme after comments by the Federal Minister were reported (paywall) in The Australian Newspaper today. According to the report, Federal Minister Reynolds […]

ACTCOSS has called for urgent action following the 2021 Rental Affordability Index which shows Canberra is the least affordable city for low-income renters in Australia. ACTCOSS A/g CEO, Craig Wallace said: “We already knew Canberra was unaffordable for people on low incomes, but this report, based on government held rental bond data, gives a stark […]

ACTCOSS today expressed its deep concern about the Federal Government’s proposed voter ID reforms. The Electoral Legislation Amendment (Voter Integrity) Bill 2021 seeks to make it compulsory for voters to show identification before voting “to reduce voter fraud in the form of voter impersonation” – despite evidence showing that risk of voting fraud in Australia […]

ACTCOSS today commended the ACT Attorney General and ACT Government for its long-standing commitment to raising the age of criminal responsibility to 14 years – the only state or territory in Australia to do so. This follows outrage from community, legal, health and First Nations groups about the decision of Friday’s Meeting of Attorneys General […]

ACTCOSS, CHIA ACT and ACT Shelter joint media release. ACTCOSS has welcomed the focus placed today by the ACT Opposition on the shortage of affordable housing. This follows their call for a declaration of a housing crisis and an independent review into the impact of the ACT Government’s policies on rising house prices and rent […]

The ACT Council of Social Service (ACTCOSS) today welcomed the opening of consultation on the ACT Government’s proposal to require rental properties across the ACT to meet a minimum standard for ceiling insulation. ACTCOSS CEO, Dr Emma Campbell said: “Over one third of Canberrans rent their home and they are paying the highest rents of […]

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