Submission: Review of ACT Auditor General’s Report No. 4 of 2013: National Partnership Agreement on Homelessness
1 August 2014
ACTCOSS provided comment to the Standing Committee on the Public Accounts Inquiry into the Auditor General’s Report No.4 of 2013: National Partnership Agreement on Homelessness (NPAH). The review had two clear objectives: to identify that the ACT government is meeting its obligations, and that the NPAH is making a difference for homeless persons.
ACTCOSS notes, along with other organisations that made submissions, that the four recommendations made by the audit report focused primarily on financial and contract management and did not adequately consider whether NPAH is making a difference for people who are homeless in the ACT, or reflect measures to improve the quality or impact of services funded under NPAH.
ACTCOSS calls for the ACT Government to work with people who access services and organisations that provide services to develop an agreed strategy, and core priorities, to meet continuing need for housing and homelessness support services if the ACT loses Commonwealth NPAH funding in June 2015.