Submission to AEMC: Protecting Customers Affected by Family Violence

31 March 2022

Joint submission by ACT Council of Social Service (ACTCOSS), Good Shepherd Australia New Zealand, Financial Rights Legal Centre, Public Interest Advocacy Centre and Queensland Council of Social Service (QCOSS).

In this joint submission, ACTCOSS, Financial Rights Legal Centre, Good Shepherd Australia New Zealand, the Public Interest Advocacy Centre and QCOSS respond to the Australian Energy Market Commission’s (AEMC) Consultation Paper Protecting Customers Affected by Family Violence. We support the aim of the proposed rule to place a requirement on energy retailers to provide assistance and support to consumers who are affected by family violence. However, the proposed rule is inadequate as it stands. In this submission we discuss key areas of support, major deficiencies and recommended improvements.


2022 Joint Submission to AEMC Protecting Customers Affected by Family Violence Draft Determination (pdf)
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