Update, Issue 76, Winter 2016: Working with Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander peoples & communities
30 June 2016
Contents include:
- Editorial by Susan Helyar, Director, ACTCOSS
- ConnXtions: A successful partnership for education & employment
- Strengthening & growing the Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander alcohol & other drug workforce
- Wrap around health care for local Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander peoples
- The journey of accessing justice for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander women
- ACT response to Steven Freeman’s death is too little, too late
- Indigenous Community Volunteers
- Celebrating NAIDOC Week: 3-10 July 2016
- New online legal toolkit for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander peoples
- Protocols for working with Aboriginal &/or Torres Strait Islander peoples
- In memoriam: Jean Moran OAM (1918 – 2016)
- Vale Brian McConnell
- ACTCOSS learning & development calendar
- Attached flyer: ACTCOSS Gulanga Program