Update, Issue 89, Spring 2019: Growth of services needed in a fast-growing city
27 September 2019
Issue 89 of the ACTCOSS journal illuminates some of the work being done by ACT community organisations to grow the reach and relevance of services needed as our population grows and changes.
Contents include:
- Editorial – By Susan Helyar, CEO, ACTCOSS
- A collective impact action plan for growing Canberra – By Dr Madhumita Iyengar, Initiatives For Women In Need Inc (IWiN)
- NAIDOC recap: Albert Barker receives ACT NAIDOC Community Sector Award 2019
- Growing our own and supporting local community services – By Philippa Moss, AIDS Action Council of the ACT
- The need for needs analyses – By Camilla Rowland, Marymead
- Are we ready for a growing ageing disability population? – By Bonnie Millen, Advocacy for Inclusion
- Treating the whole – By Bronwyn Hendry, Directions Health
- ACTCOSS learning & development calendar.