Through its Inquiry into Renewable Energy Innovation in the ACT, the Standing Committee on Environment, Climate Change and Biodiversity will investigate the opportunities and challenges to establish the ACT as a national hub for renewable energy innovation. In this submission, ACTCOSS argues that this must include social innovation. In addition to contributing to a low […]

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In this letter, the ACT Council of Social Service (ACTCOSS) urged Senator Duniam, Assistant Minister for Industry Development, and Rebecca Vassarotti MLA, ACT Minister for Sustainable Building and Construction, to support the inclusion of mandatory accessibility standards in Australia’s National Building Code at the upcoming meeting of Building Ministers. This reform would make a difference to hundreds of […]

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The proposed Carers Recognition Bill 2021 aims to recognise, promote and value the role carers have within our community. The proposed Bill seeks to put in place measures that will require entities and organisations to consider and adapt business practices to support the care relationship that exists between carers and the people they care for. […]

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This submission provides a summary of ACT Council of Social Service (ACTCOSS) responses to the 2020-21 ACT Budget announced on 9 February 2021. ACTCOSS believes that the delayed 2020-21 ACT Budget contained some welcome investments but fell short on the investments and vision required to ensure that Canberrans facing disadvantage are protected as the ACT […]

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Regarding JobSeeker, ACTCOSS advocates for an increase of at least $25 a day on top of the old Newstart rate of $40 a day – to bring the JobSeeker rate to $65 a day. This increase would ensure a better, more affordable and more sustainable quality of life for many of the 38,000 ACT residents […]

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Our submission to the Australian Energy Regulator in response to Evoenergy’s gas network 2021-26 access arrangement proposal focused on the interests of low-income and other at-risk energy consumers in the ACT. Evoenergy’s consumer engagement identified strong community support for a just transition to net zero greenhouse gas emissions in the ACT by 2045 implemented in a […]

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Our submission to the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) in response to Evoenergy’s gas network 2021-26 revised access arrangement proposal focused on consumer vulnerability in the transition to net zero emissions by 2045. It encourages both the AER and Evoenergy to ensure that this and future access arrangements address consumer vulnerability and social equity issues. We […]

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In this wide-ranging submission to the ACT Government’s ongoing Territory Planning Review, ACTCOSS calls for the new planning system to be evidence based, to prioritise people most affected by poor planning and to focus on social and inclusive planning.

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This bulletin provides a summary of ACT Council of Social Service (ACTCOSS) responses to the 2020-21 ACT Budget announced on 9 February 2021.  The bulletin summarises key announcements for community service organisations and Canberrans on low incomes and facing disadvantage. It also includes a list of measures about which ACTCOSS will be requesting more information. […]

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ACTCOSS joins work led by Advocacy for Inclusion (AFI) which brings together prominent ACT disability representative and advocacy organisations to make representations to ACT Minister for Disability Emma Davidson MLA highlighting our shared concerns regarding the introduction of independent assessments to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). We join AFI and other disability representative organisations […]

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