News and Media
Here you’ll find news, announcements, and media releases from ACTCOSS and the Gulanga Program, along with major community sector news.
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Enter the ACTCOSS 2019 National Reconciliation Week Draw!
Would you like to enter a draw for over $300 worth of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander resources for your workplace? Resources include items such as: AIATSIS Map of Indigenous Australia, The Little Red Yellow Black Book, Ngunnawal Plant Use Book, and more. In recognition of Australia’s first Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander […]
Media release: FEDERAL BUDGET 2019: Some catch up on services but failing the poorest in Canberra
The ACT Council of Social Service (ACTCOSS) has joined other Councils of Social Service in expressing disappointment that the Federal Budget has failed to reduce severe poverty and close the worst gaps in essential services, while welcoming some investments and supports. According to ACTCOSS Director Susan Helyar, “Tonight’s Budget promises the first surplus in 12 […]
Open letter from the Community Sector: Don’t rush to pass more tax cuts while three million live in poverty
Open letter from the Community Sector Don’t rush to pass more tax cuts while three million live in poverty As community organisations providing essential services to people on low and modest incomes, we call on the Parliament not to rush to pass more income tax cuts before the elections, and to reverse those already legislated […]
Media release: Fuel prices hit low-income households hardest
Canberra’s high fuel prices are hitting low-income households hardest. This is a key finding from the ACT Council of Social Service (ACTCOSS) analysis of cost of living data shared in a submission to the ACT Legislative Assembly Select Committee Inquiry into Fuel Pricing. Ahead of appearing as a witness to the inquiry, ACTCOSS Executive Director, […]
Media release: ACT Budget needs to invest in improved energy efficiency to protect low and middle income households
This is the last day of a record breaking hot summer. Extremely cold weather is only a few months away. Now is the time for the ACT Government to take further action to reduce human induced climate change, mitigate the impacts of a more unstable and changing climate, and set up a just transition to […]
Media release: Justice reinvestment project welcome, but more work needed on diversion
The ACT Council of Social Service (ACTCOSS) welcomes Minister Shane Rattenbury’s announcements today on a major justice reinvestment project for the ACT, Building Communities Not Prisons. “We are pleased that Minister Rattenbury has confirmed the ACT will invest in initiatives to improve responses to offending in the ACT justice system, rather than expand the Alexander […]
ACTCOSS Commentary on the 2019 Report on Government Services
This week ACTCOSS has been responding to the release of the 2019 Report on Government Services (ROGS) by the Productivity Commission. Chapters released so far have pointed to the ongoing need for investments and policy work in housing, homelessness and justice system responses. Housing and Homelessness The ROGS show services are doing well but also […]
NFP legal health checks: Submit your EOI by 22 Feb
The Ashurst Not-for-Profit Health Check Consultations, which will be held on the afternoon of 1 April 2019, are a series of consultations with our lawyers to evaluate aspects of the legal ‘health’ of your organisation. The consultations aim to assist small not-for-profit community organisations and, as places are limited to 8 organisations, we ask that […]