NFP legal health checks: Submit your EOI by 22 Feb
17 January 2019
The Ashurst Not-for-Profit Health Check Consultations, which will be held on the afternoon of 1 April 2019, are a series of consultations with our lawyers to evaluate aspects of the legal ‘health’ of your organisation.
The consultations aim to assist small not-for-profit community organisations and, as places are limited to 8 organisations, we ask that organisations submit this expression of interest form by email to [email protected] by 22 February 2019.
Organisations will be selected on a needs basis, having regard to the size and resources of the organisations, their current legal/governance issues, and access to legal services. The organisations selected to attend the consultations will be notified by 8 March 2019.
Save the date: Seminars will also be held on the morning of 1 April 2019 and all not-for-profit organisations are welcome to attend. Further information about these seminars will be provided in due course.