The ACT Council of Social Service (ACTCOSS) has today made a submission to the Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee Inquiry into the Social Services and Other Legislation Amendment (Extension of Coronavirus Support) Bill 2020, calling for a permanent and adequate increase to the rate of JobSeeker, Youth Allowance and other income support payments. ACTCOSS CEO […]

The ACT Council of Social Service (ACTCOSS) today announced that Frances Crimmins, YWCA Canberra, has been elected as Chair at its annual general meeting held over the 12th and 13th of November 2020. Outgoing Chair, Glenda Stevens said: “I would like to congratulate Frances Crimmins on her appointment to this important position. “Frances has a […]

ACTCOSS is pleased to today host Wiradjuri man Jeffery Amatto, who will share his story of addiction, incarceration and recovery and survival within a cultural and spiritual framework. Mr Amatto will speak to an audience of ACTCOSS members and stakeholders about his experience spending significant periods of his youth and adult life incarcerated due to […]

The ACT Council of Social Service (ACTCOSS) today said that last night’s unrest at the Alexander Maconochie Centre (AMC) highlights the need for urgent reforms of the ACT’s prison. ACTCOSS CEO Dr Emma Campbell said: “We condemn yesterday’s disturbance in the prison that endangered the safety and wellbeing of both detainees and staff. “We need […]

The ACT Council of Social Service (ACTCOSS) today condemned the Federal Government’s announcement of a cruel cut to income support payments at Christmas time and has called for a permanent, adequate rate of income support. The Federal Government announced today that the Coronavirus Supplement, received by people on JobSeeker, Youth Allowance and parenting payments, will […]

The ACT Council of Social Service (ACTCOSS) today marked the start of NAIDOC Week 2020 by acknowledging this year’s theme, Always Was, Always Will Be and recognising that First Nations peoples have occupied and cared for this continent for over 65,000 years. ACTCOSS CEO, Dr Emma Campbell said: “NAIDOC Week is an opportunity for Canberrans […]

The ACT Council of Social Service (ACTCOSS) today welcomed the Parliamentary and Governing Agreement between ACT Labor and the ACT Greens for the 10th Legislative Assembly. ACTCOSS CEO, Dr Emma Campbell said that many of ACTCOSS’s policy recommendations had been reflected in the Agreement. “ACTCOSS is hopeful that these policies represent a strong commitment by […]

ACTCOSS and Canberra Gambling Reform Alliance joint media release. This Gambling Harm Awareness Week, the ACT Council of Social Service (ACTCOSS) has joined with the Canberra Gambling Reform Alliance (CGRA) to call on the incoming ACT Government to urgently act on gambling harm in the ACT. ACTCOSS CEO Dr Emma Campbell said: “The ACT has […]

The ACT Council of Social Service (ACTCOSS) said today that the ACT election campaign had demonstrated a desire by a growing number of Canberrans for a more equitable society in the ACT. ACTCOSS CEO Dr Emma Campbell said: “We were pleased to see that all the major parties attempted to address issues such as Canberra’s […]

The ACT Council of Social Service (ACTCOSS) today issued a checklist of actions for the incoming ACT Government, aimed at achieving a fair and just Canberra. ACTCOSS CEO Dr Emma Campbell said: “This list of actions required by the incoming government is a ready-reference document not just for voters but for candidates seeking to be […]

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