Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Self-Determination

8 October 2020

ACTCOSS 2020 ACT Election issue brief: Aboriginal and / or Torres Strait Islander Self-Determination

ACTCOSS calls on the next ACT Government to consult with the Ngunnawal people and all Aboriginal and / or Torres Strait Islander people in the ACT on policies to ensure a just and fair Canberra, including:

  • Mandatory Aboriginal and / or Torres Strait Islander and Ngunnawal cultural awareness training for all Members of the Legislative Assembly
  • Investment in celebrating and protecting Ngunnawal land and culture
  • A United Ngunnawal Elders Council (UNEC) partnership agreement, which outlines shared policy goals and commits to genuine, regular consultation between Ministers and the UNEC
  • The development of a comprehensive Aboriginal and / or Torres Strait Islander policy statement
  • Support and investment in Aboriginal community-controlled organisations to deliver fully funded community services
  • Investment in supporting Aboriginal and / or Torres Strait Islander children, youth and families with measurable outcomes
  • Expansion of the ACT Human Rights Commission to include an Aboriginal and / or Torres Strait Islander Children’s Commissioner
  • Support for the design and commencement of an Aboriginal and / or Torres Strait Islander Child Care Agency
  • The implementation of all 28 recommendations from Our Booris, Our Way Steering Committee to improve the systemic failures for Aboriginal and / or Torres Strait Islander children involved with child protection in the ACT
  • Developing an Aboriginal and / or Torres Strait Islander Housing Strategy for the ACT including a pathway to a community-controlled Aboriginal housing organisation
  • Investing in the design and construction of a community-controlled Aboriginal residential alcohol and other drugs (AOD) rehabilitation facility
  • Additional investment in autonomous, holistic health and wellbeing services at the Alexander Maconochie Centre (AMC)
  • Investigation of an expansion of the Ngunnawal Bush Healing Farm to have cottages that can accommodate families
  • Funding the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elected Body (ATSIEB) positions at a full-time rate.

Read the full issue brief below for more details, or read other issue briefs on our ACT Election page.


2020 ACT Election issue brief: Aboriginal and / or Torres Strait Islander Self Determination (pdf)
2020 ACT Election issue brief: Aboriginal and / or Torres Strait Islander Self Determination (docx)
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