ACTCOSS ACT Budget Bulletin 2024-25

9 July 2024

This bulletin provides a summary of ACTCOSS’s analysis of and response to the 2024-25 ACT Budget, announced on 25 June 2024.

It highlights key announcements relevant to community service organisations and the Canberrans they support. It also includes a list of Budget measures requiring further clarification from the ACT Government, as well as highlighting gaps in the 2024-25 Budget.

Overall, ACTCOSS welcomes the temporary and targeted cost-of-living measures announce in this Budget, some additional funding for housing and homelessness services, and funding to support the growth of Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations in the ACT.

However, despite a scattering of modest funding announcements in some areas of critical need, this year’s Budget ultimately fell short on the investment and vision required to deliver sustained improvements to housing affordability, equitable access to services and supports, and a resilient and sustainably funded community sector able to meet growing demand and complexity of need in the community and the future challenges posed by climate change.

With the looming ACT election, ACTCOSS will continue to work with the community sector to highlight the critical investments and vision needed to drive meaningful change and ensure a more equitable, just, sustainable, and thriving Canberra community.



2024 25 ACT Budget Bulletin (pdf)
2024 25 ACT Budget Bulletin (docx)
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