Factsheet: 2021 ACT Community Sector Demand Snapshot

21 December 2021

Each year the Social Policy Research Centre at UNSW Sydney in collaboration with the Australian Council of Social Service and the network of Councils of Social Service of Australia, supported by Bendigo Bank, conducts a national survey of community sector demand.

This factsheet provides a snapshot of key findings for the ACT from the Australian Community Sector Survey 2021. These include that in 2021:

  • services are confronting increased poverty and disadvantage in the community
  • demand for community services has increased
  • the ability of community services to meet demand has fallen
  • despite the challenges, the community sector has played a key part in strengthening Australia’s recovery.


2021 factsheet 2021 ACT community sector demand snapshot (docx)
2021 factsheet 2021 ACT community sector demand snapshot (pdf)
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