Report: A Just Gas Transition in the ACT
1 February 2023
Fossil-fuel gas use currently accounts for approximately 20% of greenhouse gas emissions in the ACT. On 4 August 2022, the ACT Government announced that ‘it will phase out fossil fuel gas by 2045 by electrifying Canberra over the next two decades’. In its position paper, Powering Canberra: Our Pathway to Electrification, the ACT Government has reaffirmed its commitment to ensuring a just transition and supporting households with lower incomes and renters.
This report highlights the need for equity to be front and centre of the phasing out fossil-fuel gas and the pathway to electrification. Climate change is a social justice issue. Globally and within our own community, disadvantaged groups are more likely to be negatively impacted by climate change. Climate action is also a social justice issue. Climate action through mitigation and adaptation measures must not entrench or exacerbate disadvantage. Instead, climate action should aim to reduce poverty and inequality and improve wellbeing.