Submission: Consultation draft of the Carers Recognition Bill 2021

19 March 2021

The proposed Carers Recognition Bill 2021 aims to recognise, promote and value the role carers have within our community. The proposed Bill seeks to put in place measures that will require entities and organisations to consider and adapt business practices to support the care relationship that exists between carers and the people they care for.

In ACTCOSS’s submission, we summarise feedback on issues raised during a community consultation we held online on 3 March 2021 and subsequent feedback.

We are keen to see investments in practical supports to enhance the wellbeing of carers. We encourage practical measures which allow carers to be recognised and supported in their workplaces and educational institutions, such as carers leave and carer-friendly policies.

We believe that the intended outcomes of the proposed Bill need to be more clearly stated, and that adequate resources need to be allocated to support the Bill.


2021 submission Consultation Draft Carers Recognition Bill 2021 (pdf)
2021 submission Consultation Draft Carers Recognition Bill 2021 (docx)
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