Submission: Evoenergy Gas Network 2021-26 Access Arrangement Revised Proposal and AER Draft Decision

26 February 2021

Our submission to the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) in response to Evoenergy’s gas network 2021-26 revised access arrangement proposal focused on consumer vulnerability in the transition to net zero emissions by 2045. It encourages both the AER and Evoenergy to ensure that this and future access arrangements address consumer vulnerability and social equity issues. We identify an urgent need for a comprehensive gas transition strategy which will require significant work by ACT Government, Evoenergy, and the AER in consultation with stakeholders.

This submission was produced as part of the ACT Energised Consumers Project which is co-funded by Energy Consumers Australia and the ACT Government.


2021 submission Evoenergy gas network 2021 26 Access Arrangement revised proposal (pdf)
2021 submission Evoenergy gas network 2021 26 Access Arrangement revised proposal (docx)
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