Submission: Evoenergy’s Gas Network 2021-26 Access Arrangement Proposal to the Australian Energy Regulator
31 August 2020
Our submission to the Australian Energy Regulator in response to Evoenergy’s gas network 2021-26 access arrangement proposal focused on the interests of low-income and other at-risk energy consumers in the ACT. Evoenergy’s consumer engagement identified strong community support for a just transition to net zero greenhouse gas emissions in the ACT by 2045 implemented in a way that supports vulnerable consumers. Our submission welcomes Evoenergy’s commitment to supporting vulnerable consumers while seeking further details that would provide confidence that there will be an equitable distribution of risk as the ACT transitions away from natural gas and that low-income households will not be left worse off.
This submission was produced as part of the ACT Energised Consumers Project which is co-funded by Energy Consumers Australia and the ACT Government.