Submission: Inquiry into Auditor-General Report: 4/2020 – Residential Land Supply and Release

29 March 2022

ACTCOSS made a submission to the Standing Committee on Public Accounts inquiry into Auditor-General’s Report: 4/2020 – Residential Land Supply and Release. Our submission calls for the Indicative Land Release Program to be informed by modelling of the community need for social and affordable housing. Land release also needs to be affordable for community housing providers and include land suitable for the development of low-threshold housing for people with high and complex support needs. This submission also calls for greater clarity and transparency around the baseline against which ACT Government commitments to deliver additional social and affordable housing will be measured.


2022 submission Inquiry residential land supply release auditor general report (pdf)
2022 submission Inquiry residential land supply release auditor general report (docx)
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