Submission: Issues Paper on the Review of the Retail Electricity Form of Price Control

15 December 2020

This submission responds to the Independent Competition and Regulatory Commission’s (ICRC) issues paper on the review of the retail electricity form of price control. This review seeks to ensure that the form of control the ICRC uses to regulate prices for the supply of electricity to small customers on ActewAGL’s regulated tariffs remains effective and appropriate, recognising changes occurring in electricity markets.

Our submission recommends:

  • The ICRC review the effectiveness of ActewAGL’s regulated tariffs as a safety net for all residential, not-for-profit, and small business electricity customers in the ACT
  • The ICRC identify and address any equity issues created by compositional changes among ActewAGL’s residential and business standing offer and market offer customers
  • The ICRC and ACT Government consider the introduction of the Basic Service Offer and/or a social tariff in the ACT as a safeguard for consumers – especially those on low incomes and/or experiencing vulnerable circumstances – to ensure they have access to this essential service at a fair and affordable price
  • The introduction of protections for vulnerable smart meter customers in the ACT for whom demand tariffs or time-of-use tariffs may not be appropriate.


2020 submission ICRC Review Retail Electricity Form of Price Control (pdf)
2020 submission ICRC Review Retail Electricity Form of Price Control (docx)
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