ACTCOSS 2020 ACT Election issue brief
For a just and fair Canberra, the next ACT Government must:
- Conduct a full needs analysis to understand Canberra’s demographic changes, increasing complexity of needs (including an aging population; growing number of births; greater diversity) and the changed Canberra geography
- Conduct a full cost analysis to accurately assess the cost of delivering community services to include: the cost of the Equal Remuneration Order (ERO); increased levels of regulation; and increasing costs of operations
- Commit to revitalising the commissioning, procurement and contract management process across the ACT Government in partnership with the community sector
- Support capital investments including zero emissions vehicles and ICT infrastructure for the community sector
- Fund Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander led policy and services
- Renew its commitment to the ACT Social Compact
- Ensure proper resourcing of strategies, such as the Carers Strategy and fund the implementation of new legislation such as Crimes (Offences Against Vulnerable People) Legislation Amendment Bill 2020
- Commit to properly fund peaks and organisations representing community voices including changes to legislation to cover peaks under the ACT’s Portable Long Service Leave Scheme.
Read the full issue brief below for more details, or read other issue briefs on our ACT Election page.