Update, Issue 92, Summer 2020-21: Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples: Stories of good practice in the community sector

15 December 2020

This edition of the ACTCOSS journal shares examples of good practice, tools and resources to assist in improving and developing services for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples and supporting First Nations staff in the community sector.

We hope this journal provides a useful reference to support your organisation to develop safe and inclusive services accessible to and appropriate for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Contents include:

  • Editorial – By Dr Emma Campbell, CEO, ACTCOSS
  • Tuggeranong Arts Centre – First Nations Story – By Lorena Quinlivan, Committee Member, Tuggeranong Community Arts Association
  • What is “good practice” in the context of Aboriginal housing from an Aboriginal Community Housing Provider perspective? – By Thomas Slockee, Chair & Kim Sinclair, CEO, SEARMS Aboriginal Corporation (SEARMS)
  • Good practice at Beryl Women Inc. – By Chelsea Malinas, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Women’s Specialist Domestic Violence Worker, Beryl Women Inc.
  • Supporting culturally appropriate primary health care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the ACT – By Dr Naomi Houston, Indigenous Health GP Advisor and Sharon Storen Indigenous Health Officer, Capital Health Network
  • Dhunlung Yarra Service
  • Mulleun Mura: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Women’s Access to Justice Program
  • Reconciliation Peer Network
  • Cultural Awareness Self-Assessment Toolkit
  • Gulanga Good Practice Guides
  • Do you have an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander worker or volunteer at your non-profit?
  • Aboriginal Cultural Awareness Education Program – 19 March 2021
  • Save the date: 13th Anniversary of the National Apology to the Stolen Generations
  • ACTCOSS AGM, new Board and annual report.


actcoss journal issue 92 (pdf)
actcoss journal issue 92 text only (docx)
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