In this submission to the Light Rail: City to Woden consultation, ACTCOSS called on the ACT Government to build a flexible and responsive transport system that addresses the needs of Canberrans who face disadvantage or vulnerability. Canberra’s overall transport strategy must ensure that all Canberrans, including older people, people with disability, shift workers, people on […]

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This submission responds to the Independent Competition and Regulatory Commission’s (ICRC) issues paper on the review of the retail electricity form of price control. This review seeks to ensure that the form of control the ICRC uses to regulate prices for the supply of electricity to small customers on ActewAGL’s regulated tariffs remains effective and […]

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ACTCOSS has provided inputs on the Australian Government’s development of a new National Disability Strategy (NDS). In our paper we stress the need for concrete measures and investments under each of the themes, the need to articulate the role of municipal government, and the need to clarify and distinguish actions under the Strategy from actions […]

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The Secure Local Jobs Code (the Code) commenced on 15 January 2019. ACTCOSS supports the goals of the Code, including the promotion of job security in the Territory and a reduction in the incidence of insecure work; ensuring that territory-funded work is carried out by organisations who respect and comply with industrial relations obligations; and […]

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ACTCOSS made a submission to the Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee Inquiry into the Social Services and Other Legislation Amendment (Extension of Coronavirus Support) Bill 2020. We recommended that the rate of JobSeeker and other income support payments be increased permanently and adequately. The introduction of the Coronavirus Supplement of $550 per fortnight in April […]

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ACTCOSS made a submission to the Independent Competition and Regulatory Commission’s (ICRC) issues paper as it reviews how it calculates the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) for water and sewerage services in the ACT. The review aims to ensure Icon Water receives an appropriate return on prudent and efficient investments in infrastructure used for […]

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This document is a checklist for 2020 ACT Election voters and newly elected members of the ACT Legislative Assembly on how the next ACT Government can create a fair and just Canberra for all Canberrans. These priorities have been developed by the ACT Council of Social Service following engagement with our members, ACT peaks and […]

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ACTCOSS has produced a factsheet presenting data on poverty and inequality in the ACT. This is one of a series of ACTCOSS factsheets that will harness data to provide accessible insights into key social policy issues in the ACT. Disadvantage in the ACT tends to be hidden behind high averages across indicators such as income, education, […]

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This report is the first output of a project conducted by the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI) on behalf of ACT Shelter. The project assesses the costs and benefits of providing social housing in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) and builds a business case for addressing housing need in the ACT. This first […]

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The 2020 ACT Cost of Living Report tracks changes in the cost of living for low-income households in the Australian Capital Territory over the past 12 months and five years. Over the past five years, housing, health, and energy prices in Canberra have increased significantly. Changes in the cost of living in the ACT have […]

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