The ACT Government has committed to transformational reform of the ACT’s child, youth and family services, including comprehensive changes to the Children and Young Peoples Act 2008 (CYP Act). ACTCOSS welcomes this commitment and recognises the need to reform the CYP Act to improve the care and support provided to children and young people involved with the […]

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ACTCOSS made a submission to the ACT Government’s Inquiry into Immediate Trauma Support Services in the ACT. The submission focused on the burden of vicarious trauma and secondary trauma in the community sector workforce, as well as the urgent need for increased community sector funding to meet trauma support demand. Our submission makes recommendations including […]

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ACTCOSS provided a submission to the inquiry into the Human Rights (Healthy Environment) Amendment Bill 2023. While ACTCOSS supports the incorporation of the right to a healthy environment into the ACT’s Human Rights Act, we remain concerned that fundamental economic, social and cultural (ESC) rights continue to be absent from the Act. Given the indivisibility […]

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This factsheet produced alongside Advocacy for Inclusion provides an overview of the Disability Poverty Cycle in the ACT and raises awareness for Anti-Poverty Weeks 2023. Poverty disproportionately impacts marginalised people, exacerbating financial costs and social disadvantage. Many people with disability experience poor economic outcomes, un(der)employment, financial hardship and poverty. In 2010, Australia ranked the lowest […]

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This factsheet provides an overview of the extent of poverty and inequality in the ACT to raise awareness for Anti-Poverty Weeks 2023. The ACT has high average wages, however those Canberrans on low incomes are struggling to cope in Australia’s least affordable jurisdiction. Many Canberrans are experiencing poverty and struggling with the cost of housing […]

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ACTCOSS provided feedback on the draft Disability Inclusion Bill 2023. We support the underlying intent of this Bill, which seeks to establish a framework for creating disability inclusion strategies across government in priority areas. The Bill also establishes a Disability Advisory Council, as well as requiring ACT Government agencies to develop disability inclusion plans that […]

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ACTCOSS provided a submission to the Federal Inquiry into Residential Electrification. Our submission supports residential electrification as long as equity is front and centre throughout the energy transition. The submission explores the barriers and solutions to increasing the uptake of home electrification, the costs and benefits of household electrification, as well as the effectiveness of […]

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The ACT Council of Social Service (ACTCOSS) and VolunteeringACT are co-chairing this year’s Anti-Poverty Weeks (APW) in the ACT, which will for the first time cover a fortnight rather than just one week (in light for the upcoming Voice Referendum). APW will be held from the 15th to the 27th of October 2023. This year […]

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ACTCOSS provided feedback to the ACT Government’s consultation on the ‘Regulation of same day liquor delivery providers’ Discussion Paper. We commend the ACT Government’s commitment to reviewing the regulation of online sales and delivery of alcohol in the ACT. ACTCOSS welcomed several urgently needed reform measures including effective age verification, harm reduction measures through specific […]

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ACTCOSS and Care Financial Counselling Services (Care) made a submission to the Integrated Energy Plan Position Paper. To achieve an inclusive and equitable transition, it is imperative the distribution of costs and benefits, along with barriers to the uptake of initiatives, is factored into the design, implementation and evaluation of energy transition policies and programs. […]

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