ACTCOSS has made a submission to the ACT Government’s Planning Review and Reform Project. Our submission calls for high quality consultation with people experiencing disadvantage and highlights the need to prioritise accessible and affordable housing and community connection in all planning reforms.

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In ACTCOSS’s submission we call for the 2022-23 ACT Budget to: urgently address the growing housing crisis support and enable the community sector to respond to increasing disadvantage caused by rising costs of living prioritise self-determination and community control for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander communities.

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On 28 April 2022, ACTCOSS hosted a members’ forum with a range of candidates for the 2022 federal election. The forum was an opportunity for local dialogue with a local focus. Members heard from party/independent candidates present: Tim Hollo and Tjanara Goreng Goreng (Australian Greens), Andrew Leigh (Australian Labor Party), and independent senate candidates David Pocock […]

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ACTCOSS has identified six policy priorities that will give a fair go to people on low incomes and those disadvantaged by current systems: income support; housing security; quality community services; fair, fast, and inclusive climate action; self-determination for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples; and revenue. ACTCOSS surveyed candidates in the 2022 federal election about […]

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The 2022 ACT Cost of Living Report highlights the dual impact of the highest increase in living costs in over 20 years and the withdrawal of COVID-19 income supports. Over the past 12 months the ACT community sector has seen an increase in demand for social services alongside an increase in poverty, disadvantage and complexity […]

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In ACTCOSS’s Federal Election Priorities 2022, we call on all ACT candidates for the 2022 Federal Election to affirm and state their positions on six policy priorities. ACTCOSS has identified these from national analysis and research by our peak body the Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS) and the key drivers of poverty and social […]

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ACTCOSS made a submission to the Independent Competition and Regulatory Commission’s issues paper on regulated water and sewerage services prices 2023-28. Our submission focused on the issues of balancing economic, social and environmental objectives, setting prices and structuring pricing.

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ACTCOSS made a submission to the Independent Competition and Regulatory Commission’s issues paper on regulated water and sewerage services prices 2023-28. Our submission focused on the issues of balancing economic, social and environmental objectives, setting prices and structuring pricing.

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ACTCOSS joined a coalition of Australian and Australian community organisations, including Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR), the Human Rights Legal Centre (HRLC) and Civil Liberties Australia (CLA) to call on the ACT Government to implement an accessible human rights complaint mechanism.   We made a submission to the Justice and Community Safety Committee calling […]

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Joint submission by ACT Council of Social Service (ACTCOSS), Good Shepherd Australia New Zealand, Financial Rights Legal Centre, Public Interest Advocacy Centre and Queensland Council of Social Service (QCOSS). In this joint submission, ACTCOSS, Financial Rights Legal Centre, Good Shepherd Australia New Zealand, the Public Interest Advocacy Centre and QCOSS respond to the Australian Energy […]

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